Tuesday, February 11, 2014


I was gently reminded today that I haven't updated the blog in a while (thanks dad) so I made it a priority to do so as soon after the kids went to bed. Although they are all "tucked" away I will no doubt have to wrangle them (ahem C and J) back to their beds a few times before they officially fall asleep. It has pretty much become a nightly routine since Jacob figured out how to turn his door knob and break he and Charlotte from their room. They used to just talk to us from under the crack of the door but now we are constantly walking them back to their room and encouraging them to stay there and chat to each other while drifting off to sleep. I'm amazed at how every night continues to be a different adventure where bed is concerned - no two nights are the same anymore!

And then there is Oliver….we may just keep him in his crib forever! He loves his bed and is only too thrilled to see it when we put his sleep sack on and lay him down. He shifts his head from side to side, rolls over and buries his face in his blankets. The next time we hear from him is anywhere between 5:15 and 6 a.m. Although it is ungodly early we really can't fault him since he's been snoozing away (despite the chaos the other two create) since 7 p.m. In time we know he'll get back to sleeping past his very early hour but until then I enjoy the peace and quiet that comes from his room every night!

In addition to being a great sleeper Oliver has turned into a little parrot. He loves to repeat the last word that we say. Charlotte and Jacob used to do the same thing when they first started to talk as well! I'm still thrown off by it though because part of me can't believe Oliver is already at that stage….he's my baby….he's not supposed to be talking yet! But at 16 months…there's no stopping him - he runs, screams with excitement when he sees Charlotte and Jacob in the morning or Doyle and I come home at night and he talks…it may not always be clear…but he has so many words…I even captured some tonight just so I could share them with you….so sit back and enjoy what our little man has to say (oh and excuse his hiccups and the bruise on his forehead)