Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Oliver's special feet....

Oliver's special feet -
you'll notice his left foot is more pronounced than his right foot
As many of you know Oliver was born with club feet - meaning his feet turn in instead of being in their normal position. Tomorrow Oliver will be embarking on a journey to correct the position of his feet. We are due to be seen at the Club Foot Clinic at Sick Kids at 8 a.m. We will initially meet with the orthopedic surgeon for an initial assessment and then move onto our consultation with the physiotherapist. Before we leave Oliver will receive his first set of casts which will play an instrumental role in correcting the position of his feet. We are still waiting to hear how many casts he'll need - because his feet are quite flexible, which is a good thing, we're hoping we'll be through the casting phase of the process faster than we would have been had his feet been more rigid. We will have a better idea after our appointment tomorrow as to how many casts Oliver will require. Following the casts Oliver will be fitted for a brace bar and special shoes which he will be required to wear for 23 hours a day for the first three months and then for 12 hours a day for at least a year or so. Again all of this will be more clear as we progress through our journey. 

When I first learned about Oliver's club feet at 21 weeks gestation I was quite sad and not sure what to expect. Now I'm kind of sad to say good-bye to them. To be honest I haven't really noticed them as much as I thought I would they are just part of who he is. 

So as we embark on this journey with Oliver and his "special feet" I can't help but feel grateful for the care and attention we're about to receive from the Club Foot Clinic team at Sick Kids! 

So long to Oliver's special feet

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