Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Rice cereal face
Yesterday we received the go ahead from our pediatrician to start Oliver on solid food. As exciting as this news was to hear I do feel like it is bittersweet moment. It is yet another indication that Oliver is growing up. You may laugh when you read that sentence since he's only four months old, but to me each milestone that Oliver passes represents the last time we'll experience that moment in our house. Oliver will always be the youngest in our family - there will be no more babies - and because of that I'm trying to savour each moment I spend with him. Not that I didn't savour the moments with Charlotte and Jacob but now it's more important to me than ever since I have trouble remembering those "moments" when I look at Charlotte and Jacob given their size and "independence" now. 

Oliver seemed to enjoy his first taste of rice cereal. I gave him a tablespoon of cereal mixed with four tablespoons of water. It was more like soup than cereal but runny is best when it's the first taste! He wasn't quite sure what was being put in his mouth when I inserted the first spoonful but he quickly adapted to the feel of the spoon and cereal on his tonge. Although he started to fuss before all of his cereal in the bowl was finished he did quite well for his first time. Jacob and Charlotte were also very excited to share this moment with Oliver too. Jacob stood right beside him as I fed him and kept saying "good job Opiter"! 

Oliver waiting patiently for his cereal in
the booster seat (he looks so tiny!)
Not quite sure what to do with a
bowl and spoon  just yet.
Fingers normally taste good but
fingers with rice cereal are deelish :) 

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