Sunday, October 7, 2012

Pregnancy is a lot of things but one thing it's ROUTINE!

I realize every pregnancy is and should be different yet I'm still amazed at how different both mine have been. With Charlotte and Jacob I bled off and on the first 16 weeks, with this one I was nauseous all day every day for 16 weeks. With Charlotte and Jacob I had multiple ultrasounds, with this one I've had more than one would get with a single pregnancy but not as many as I got with C and J. With Charlotte and Jacob I was admitted to the high risk unit for six days, with this pregnancy I have had a relatively smooth ride from week to week. With Charlotte and Jacob I delivered at 32 weeks 5 days gestation, 8 weeks before they were supposed to arrive, via a natural birth (with an epidural of course), with this one I will be heading to the operating room on Tuesday October 9 (at 38 weeks one day gestation) for a c-section because the baby is breech. Everything about this pregnancy including the way "Little B" is going to come into the world has been different.

It is hard to imagine that in less than 48 hours from now we're going to welcome a new little person into our family. Our man on man defence will suddenly change to zone and we'll be outnumbered by little people! We had the kids at the park earlier today and I couldn't help but sit and watch them move from one activity to the next and wonder how we were going to manage with three. I've always been a great multi-tasker but this new journey will be a true test. Thank goodness for our great families, friends and nanny Claire who will help make this transition as easy as possible - especially during my c-section recovery. 

It seems fitting that we get to celebrate Thanksgiving right before we welcome "Little B" into our lives - I'm thankful for all we have and look forward to this next chapter in our lives. I'm even thankful for how different both my pregnancies have been and I will look back with many fond memories of both - especially since this is the last time I'm going to be pregnant! 

1 comment:

  1. Ah, I've been wondering how everything has been going with you all -- and I see I checked in on the right day! We'll send good thoughts tomorrow, and will be excited to see news of Little B.
    Happy Thanksgiving!
    ~ Margaret & family
