Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Christmas 2012 is officially in the books but not before leaving a very memorable mark. We had a great day filled with family, fun and food. 

We started the day at our house and ended it at my mom's place. We also enjoyed a visit with Grandpa, Grams, GG and Aunt Jally here after the kids woke from their nap. 

Although Charlotte and Jacob didn't understand the full meaning of Christmas they certainly understood how to open their many presents! Oliver also enjoyed his first Christmas!  

It was great watching the magic of Christmas come alive through the kids eyes.

We must have been on Santa's "nice" list this year! 
Oliver's first stocking
Jacob and his stocking
Charlotte and her stocking
Opening their joint gift from Santa - a frog pod to store their tub toys! 
Their individual gifts from Santa - Leapfrog computers

Visit with Grams
Charlotte opening GG's gift - a bedtime bunny!
Grandpa and Charlotte look at her new aquadoodle from Grandpa and Grams

Aquadoodles for everyone! Well Charlotte and Jacob at least 
Charlotte helping Grams open a present 
Snuggle time for Oliver with GG 
A quiet moment with Grandpa
Aunt Jally and Oliver bond over a bottle
Look at all the stuff under Grammy's tree...
Group shot - Me, Grammy, Doyle, Oliver,
Uncle Mike, Uncle Andrew, Jacob and Charlotte
Charlotte and Jacob watch Uncle Mike open his gift from them 
Let the "eat off" begin....

Post stocking fun...
Charlotte and Jacob helping Grammy open her gift from them

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